certifications we got
130 Million Gallons of Water Saved
Organic farming yields a range of benefits over conventional farming, including improved air quality, soil health, and farming safety, as well as lower levels of toxins in the final product. Additionally, organic farming consumes significantly less water (81%) and energy (62%) during production.

Ghost Fishing NETS
We Using Recycled Fishing Nets
The most prevalent type of micro-plastic found in the ocean is fishing nets that has been abandoned or discarded, also known as "ghost fishing nets." This problem worsens each year. These nets pose the greatest threat to marine life among all types of plastic. Even when lost at sea, they remain a hazard by ensnaring marine creatures. Made from durable plastics, these nets can continue trapping animals for more than 500 years unless they are taken out of the ocean.
By selecting Ecoer, you're voting for sustainable and etical made apparel, eco-friendly soical environment.
At the heart of all our operations lies sustainability. All garments and accessories sold on ecoerfashion.com is sustainable.
What We Keep in Mind

Sustainable Material
Our Materials
All materials whatever organic cottons, organic linens, organic hemp, or recycled nylon, are both eco-friendly to the Planet and its people.
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GOTS Certificated Factories
Supply Chain
Our goal is for 100% of our products to be made in fair trade model.
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Slow Packing
Responsible Packing
Package should be earth-friendly. Let's eliminating excess packaging waste, together.
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